Living in Harmony; Connect to Your Female Cycle

Kickstart your self-care with this monthly series, including yoga, breathwork and meditation for each stage of your menstrual cycle to reawaken your connection to your femininity through mind, body & soul.

FREE Course Intro

With This Monthly Journey You Will. . .

Reconnect To Your Body

With 5 yoga flows that introduce you to yourself as a cyclical being and explore each stage of your menstrual cycle & season of cyclical living through movement. 

Journey through the intuitive energy of winter/menstruation into the blossoming of spring/pre ovulation, full bloom of summer/ovulation and the release of autumn/pre-menstruum.

Expect to move with slow intention, playfulness, strength and softness as you explore each season of cyclical living through movement.

Reconnect To Your Mind

Deeply relax with 5 meditations for each stage of your cycle, including a bonus cyclical meditation.

Remind yourself that it is safe and natural to embrace both the rising energy of the cycle and the innate need to rest and let go without guilt.

This is precious time to step away from the need to always be doing and allow yourself just to be.

Reconnect To Your Soul

The breath is said to link the mind with the soul; connect to the four seasons of the cycle that exist within your breath with a calming breathwork practice. 

Deepen your understanding of the cycles that exist within and around you and learn to change how you feel by simply connecting to your breath. This connection is available to you every moment, wherever you are, whatever you are doing.  

These are practices you will come back to time and time again as you remember your cyclical nature and learn how to live in harmony with the cycles within and outside of you as you deepen your connection to yourself & step into your feminine power!

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Meet Lizzie..

Hi! I'm Lizzie,

I've been through my fair share of period problems & after years of hormonal turmoil I finally realised our menstrual cycles are not an inconvenience to be ignored, they are in fact the 5th vital sign of our health and a beautiful way to balance our energy and create a life in alignment with who we truly are.

Living in harmony with my cyclical nature has enabled me to care for my deepest emotional and physical needs.

Through connecting to myself I'm now calmer, happier and more energised and I've created a life filled with the things that bring my joy!

I want this for you too! It is why I trained in yoga for women’s health & as a cyclical living coach & created this course to help you reawaken your connection to your cyclical self. You can live in harmony with you cycle, love your body & LOVE BEING A WOMAN!

Love Lizzie XX

Write your awesome label here.

What's included?

   5 Guided yoga practices targeted to support you through your hormonal 'seasons'.

  5 Guided meditation practices.

  Cyclical Living Guide - This guide will explain what is happening in your body, how to harness the gifts and work with the challenges, including journal prompts & rituals for each stage of your menstrual cycle.

  Cycle Tracking Guide - This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about tracking your cycle & includes PRINTABLE PDF moon & symptom trackers.

  Cyclical Living Summary - This super handy summary is great to print off & pop on the fridge, it shows you how you might feel at each stage of your cycle, what's happening in your body & how to care for yourself at a glance!

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