Interactive online course

Your Gut Health

How and why to help it thrive!

A 6 module course by award-winning Nutritionist Dr Lucy Williamson, founder of The Gut Project.
Write your awesome label here.

Learn how to optimise your whole health through the story of Gut Health!

Our fabulous evidence-based course gives you clarity and confidence around sustainable eating for life…

The course covers...
  • How to eat and live to nurture your Gut Health
  • Where to source gut healthy food, produced with nature and animal welfare at the core
  • How to make delicious & seasonal, gut healthy meals easily and within your budget
  • The facts around truly sustainable food – Fibre, Dairy, Meat, Fish and Eggs. Planet-based eating!
  • Why rest, sleep, nature and keeping on the move are vital for gut health too!
Write your awesome label here.

Changing how you eat can change your life!

Do you feel overwhelmed knowing where to start with choosing food that’s good for you and good for our planet? We know how busy life can be & how hard it is to find time to invest in your own health. So, we’ve done the work for you! We’ve created this course so you can relax in the knowledge you’re doing the best you can for your Gut Health, your whole health, your family and our planet too.

Our students love their gut 

Lucy is so passionate about the power of improving our gut health, beautiful British-based sustainable foods, movement and outdoor life. The course perfectly combines these and more! I love her collaborative approach…
- Katy Murray
This is just what I hoped the course would be… with your explanations so many things are beginning to make more sense and I am loving it. It is opening up a whole new world!
- Kim Ropero
I loved this course. It has helped join all of the dots and I have a much greater understanding of the gut biome and how it affects my physical and mental health
- Angela Madden

Your Gut Health Online Course

By award winning Nutritionist Lucy Williamson

Course Content

Your Gut Health Online Course

A 6 module course by award-winning Nutritionist Dr Lucy Williamson, founder of The Gut Project.
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